Past babble:4.26.00
7.31.00 (man, it's been a long time O_o): Weeeeell, this wasn't what I was planning, but I decided I didn't feel like getting into the shonen ai debate right now ^_^. *Though*, for the people who do know what it means (and especially for the ones who don't like it), my page will feature shonen ai in the future ^_^. Why? It's my fave genre, that's why ^_~.
ANYway, this time I decided to rant about various anime communities on the net. Now this is not an attack on the shows, just an attack on some things I've seen happen IN these communities...more specifically, the Cardcaptors (not Card Captor Sakura) and Gundam Wing community.
Gundam Wing first: Now, before it hit the shores of the US, Gundam Wing had a pretty big fan following anyway through fansubs and the such, mostly due to the cute bishonen in it (YES! ^_~), the high shonen ai factor (YES! ^_^), and the wonderful (confusing) storyline..but more-so the first two ^_^ (Well, it seemed so O_o). But, now with it's arrival in the west, it's been exposed to a whole new group of people...and a lot of them seemed to have watched Dragonball Z religiously. There's new webpages sprouting up everywhere: shrines to people's favorite pilot featuring some pictures and the ever-so present stats and an explanation why they kick butt more than the others, entire pages praising the cool robots and action scenes, and couple shrines to Relena and Heero abound. (God no) Now, I'll start with the first one on the list: shrines. Now, if you can think up a really original way to make a shrine, then feel free. But if you're just going to babble aimlessly on some generic looking site with generic content, then don't. Just don't.
Now, onto ranting about the webpages made by strange little action-obsessed fanboys. These almost irk me more than the couple shrines to Relena and Heero *shudder*. Now, speaking from experiance here, these are the fans I wish would have never seen GW. Example: My stalker (as I call him >_<), for those of you who don't know, is this guy (read: fanboy poser) who goes to my school who is obsessed with me, seemingly because we both like anime and I can draw well. He used to love DBZ...then he saw GW. God no. Barely a week after he saw it, he brought all sorts of printouts of every gundam on the show and started comparing which one was more powerful with his (slightly more respected in my eyes) friend. I thought I was going to hurl. Then he went on about how Heero was some sorta freaky psycho who could do anything. I told him he was an idiot to think of the characters personalities in such a two-dimensional way...then he made fun of how he thought Trowa and Quatre were gay...and I told him I thought they made a lovely couple (which, I do think, cuz..they do! ^______^)...then he said something about Relena and Heero having lots of little gundam pilots someday together...and I told him I though Heero and Duo made a better couple...and he looked like he was about to hurl at that one >:). Unfortunetly, the web is being plagued by fanboys/girls who think of the show in such shallow, two-dimensional ways, never fully able to see the depth within the plot and characters. I hate it...and the only thing I can do about it is complain. Next subject!
Now onto the couple shrines. These I hate. It wouldn't be so bad if so many of them were anti-yaoi/shonen ai, but...they are..and loudly proclaim it to the world that their fave pilots would never have the hots for each other. (by the way, if you didn't figure it out, shonen ai=boy's love=boys together instead of boys and kinda have to get into it to understand) And it's not just that, but they can't even give very good reasons for WHY they think so-and-so and what'sherface should be a couple! Ooo~h, but Heero secretly loves Relena, ooo~h he says her name every five minutes, oooo~h Duo and Hirde run a junkyard together O_o. If you really wanna make a couple shrine, you should provide *actual* reasons why two people should be together. Think of the characters' personalities: would they be compatible for very long IF they got together? I mean, Relena and Heero are pretty much identicle (in my mind), and it seems to be intentional. Relena, in my mind, is just a happier, more innocent version of Heero. They are both stubborn, single-minded people set on bringing the world to peace in their own ways. Now, remember that one eps. of Seinfeld where Jerry dates that chick that's just like him? Didn't work out did it >:)? I mean, Heero and Relena are the same in the wrong ways and different in the wrong ways: They're both stubborn (that doesn't work O_o); and the way Relena sees the world is totally different from Heero (this is turning into a rant of its own O_o), and it'd be nearly impossible for her to ever understand him (she kinda represents the kind of innocence that's still left for Heero to fight for, his way to peace, the way for him to complete his mission). Besides, could anyone see Heero living as a diplomat? Not I. I think he would work better with Duo (I don't ever see Duo and Hirde becoming more than friends, IMHO, but it's about the only relationship that'd work at all) since their personalities seem to work well together, and they understand each other well. And the chemistry between Trowa and Quatre...well, how could they not be a couple? It's just too perfect ^_^. As for Wufei, I don't care whether ya make him straight or not (but Wufei is awesome, don't get me wrong! I love Wufei almost as much as Heero ^_^). So, I'd just like to see a little more emotional evidence for a couple shrine: if you can think of some reason Heero and Relena would make a perfectly happy, functional, normal couple, then by all means, make a shrine, but I just don't believe it >:).
I don't have much to say about Cardcaptors, really, cept I'm disgusted that so many people, who know about the changes, who know about the original series, would support the series at's just horrible ~_~. This isn't anime, it's some horrible monster I hope to never see repeated in anime history again. The Sailormoon dub looks freaking wonderful compared to CC (not CCS), and I don't know why anyone with knowledge of the original series at all would make a page to it ~_~. And on that note, I've seen a lot of webpages that look the same lately: Usually a really big header/ title image at top, a table on the left with nice, organized links, info/update information in the middle, a table with affiliate info or advertisers and junk on the left, and a disclaimer at the bottom..these are freakin' everywhere. I don't know why, since, really, it DOES look really pro, but it's so...impersonal. I mean, to me, a really good homepage should make you feel kind of connected its owner. It gets boring when everything in it seems textbook-like and straightforward. I mean, I'd say the only redeeming quality my page has that doesn't make it seem cold and distant is that I incorporated my entire personality into it. It's bright and happy, too organized (but it doesn't really ever appear so to me), hopefully intelligent, and, lying beneath all of that, it's utterly's just kinda hidden >:). That's me, really. I'm optimistic, organized (I don't know why), smart, but, if you get to know me, you'll realize, under all of that, is some insane psychopath waiting to get out..that's why it's MAD hatter*s tea party..I'm mad. I think, if you're going to run a webpage, that that page should be YOU. Why else would you make a page?
Sorry this was so long ;_;.