> 4.26.00:Hello~! I've decided to actually put up something resembling a rant today ^_^. I'm going to tackle the happy happy issue of Digimon vs. Pokemon: rip-off or not? (I love titles ^^;;). Okay, maybe I'm a little biased here, becuz of the two shows, I prefer Digimon, but I'll be fair to both since they're certainly not perfect.
First, is Digimon a ripoff? Answer: No. Yeah, there's the suffix "mon" in there, and there's some kids on the show with monsters..but that's about it. I mean, in summary, Digimon is about 8 kids (with a pretty wide range of ages) getting sucked into another world that's being threatened by evil forces which they have to stop. So, it comes down to saving this world, plus their own (easy enough). As for Pokemon, the basic plot (though not a horrible one) is about a young boy traveling around catching Pokemon in hopes of achieving his dream of becoming the ultimate Pokemon master (along with some quirky friends and a little yellow electric mouse plus every so often being attacked by some bumbling idiots). Now, let's see, the last time I checked, saving the world and becoming a pokemon master were hardly related in any way. Face it, Digimon's not a rip off, it's part of a GENRE. Monster anime, like magical girl anime or mecha anime or any other type of anime, is in its own genre. Besides, Digimon, in both the US and Japan, arrived first, though no one blamed Pokemon of being a rip off of it becuz the two were in different formats and have different themes (Digimon, for the uninformed, is a type of Tamogotchi that could be raised to battle other Digimon). So, it's not a rip off ^_^.
Next! Now even after taking care of the rip-off factor, there's still the whole "which one's better?". I personally like Digimon better, but that's just an opinion...as is everything else in the next paragraph ^_^. Hey, it's my page and I'm babbling, so I can do what I want and you don't have to agree if you don't want to ^_~. Okay, to begin, I think the plotline of Digimon is a lot better than Pokemon. Digimon just has more..emotion to it I guess. I mean, yeah in Pokemon there are sad moments and happy moments, but in Digimon, you've got way more than that. I mean, the way the characters interact, with each other and their Digimon, is beyond what I think I've seen in the U.S...well, ever. I guess, if you've already decided to through Digimon off as a rip-off, give it a chance at least, becuz it's not bad ^_^. It's not fair to be biased toward a show (or anything) just based on what a few stupid people say (you should always try be open to new ideas; you might end up missing something you might have ended up liking ^_^).
Next time on Shawn's happy rant/babble corner: What shonen ai is and why I'm not a pervert *lol*.