Last Updated:8.16.01 Okay, veeeeery important update ^_^. NEW ART! Yes, go to my new site here and you'll find a load of new artwork (both gift and mine). It's the largest collection of my art that's been on the internet EVER! Took me awhile to put together, but it's done. Rejoice. there's also one new kiss doll available off of my new site. GO GO GO! Yay! So far the only links working are the art links and the finished and current kiss doll links. Enjoy ^_^V.
8.8.01 all right, here's the deal. I'm making a new page hosted on val's server, and it's only got a layout so far. it would have more, but due to various problems with my wrist and a lack of effort to get all the art for it scanned and ready, it's taking a rather long time. you can see what's up so far here. none of the links work yet. I have a blog now, so I'll keep stuff posted in there, and possibly some new art from time to time ^_^. note: my wrist does not hurt enough to stop me from typing short messages and blogs...just long annoying html.
7.2.01: dragonfly *should* work. it works on my computer, but if it *still* isn't working, email me, I'll send it to ya.
7.2.01: okay, you can download dragonfly now...stupid tripod. I'm working on a new layout, and it's getting close to completion, I just have to make the subpages. adios, ev'rybody.
7.1.01: all right, you can now download Dragonfly in the kiss section. Give me some time, I have an idea and a picture for my new layout, I just have to get my html skills back to be able to put it all together ^^;;. I'm rusty ;_;. My new site will probably be at a new address, but I won't make anyone change links. I figure this account's still good for a splash page, and probably a blog too. Unfortunetly, it's just too messy to be easy to update anymore ^^;;. My new site *should* have more content, though the layout will probably be a lot simpler. I'd rather have a simple, easy to change layout so I can update more often than a complicated one. Oh, my b-day's the fifth, by the way ^_~. Geez, I still have to put up gifts I got from last year ;_;.
6.08.01 All right, there's no real update, just this message to make sure everybody knows I'm still alive ^^;;. I'm sorry I haven't been updating, in fact, even I think it's rediculous how little time I've sunk into my page lately, and I apologize for that. Unfortunetly, there's not a whole lot I can do about that at the moment ^^;;. My early b-day present this year happens to be a shiny new kick-ass computer, but unfortunetly, all my stuff's on my old computer right at the moment, and it doesn't happen to be hooked up right now :P. It should be soon, so once they're networked together, I'll get my files moved around and work on a new layout. I also may be moving, because tripod's ticking me off at the moment. Oh yeah, I've got a lot of art to put up now, so I think everyone'll be please :). Anyway, hold your horses and give me a week or so, and I'll see how far I get ^_^. Front page layout's kinda f'ed up, sorry for that too, but it's not my fault, I swear!
2.11.01:Yep, new year and I haven't even updated yet ^^;;. Well, this is a mini update of sorts, since there's only two pictures up, a new KISS doll, and *drumroll* the humor section! Which isn't very humorous, but screw it. I don't care. Oh, and the front page *might* look a little better in Netscape now. Don't know, but I think I fixed it. BUT, I don't have the space for Nutscrape and crappy internet explorer, so I couldn't tell you if I'm right. I'm going to put up the guest art section soon, but it'll only be gifts and art trades from now on. I don't have space to waste on my account hosting other's art right now ^_^. If you would like to send me art, please make sure it's a gift or art trade. If I already said I would post your art and it doesn't fall under those categories, I'm afraid I probably won't do it. I can't keep up with my own art as it is ^^;;.
11.26.00 I'm gonna go off and die now ;_;. It's half past one in the morning *dies*, but it's all up...well, mostly. I have to redo the other people's art section and add in the humor section. New linking banners up in links, new art up in original and fan, the Kiss section is new, and some new junk in the other images section. I need sleep. Shawn is going to sleep now. My computer is crying. It's frozen too many times, and now it hates me. You know what it's telling me? Computer says, "Damnit, stop listening to freakin' winamp when you're working! You're freakin' me out maaaan! And turn off that damn French chick! The freaking song's been playing on loop all day! Cantcha have a little heart and take an hour away from your life to defrag me once in awhile? What about MY needs? Don't you love me anymore? *sobs*." Yes, my computer has a rather foul mouth. I think it's experiencing the computer version of PMS. Poor computer, I'll defrag it tomorrow while I slave away on all my lit homework. I have to read Catcher in the Rye (good book ^_^) and write a 55 question test on it for whatever reason by Dec. 15th. Damn. I'm only to chapter three ^^;;. I saw Little Nicky yesterday, and I LOVE that movie. It's hilarious (well, no one ELSE in the theater thought so, but I did ^_____^;;). Oh, and Cameron Dias has no boobs, and the Digimon "movie" was really spiffy, even if they did chop the original movies to death to make it ;_;. I wanted to see wittle Koushirou. Oh, and I'm taking Japanese ^_^. Good class. Anyway, toodles everyone, at least til X-mas break ^_______^.